Thursday, October 01, 2009

Fortunate But Ungrateful

Life is unfair. Life is unjust. Life also has a way of balancing out the positives and the negatives. Sometimes, it becomes so arduous a task, that living itself is a cumbersome process. But, if you are to ruminate on a leisurely evening all by yourself and try to figure out whether life has been kind to you, the answers might throw you off-balance - completely.

This post is a product of such a ruminating and illuminating evening.

I have heard this many a time that we take the very obvious things for granted in life. We do. Like having the privilege of access to a sound education. Having the resources to pursue your dreams. Having a support system in the form of our parents. Almost getting everything that we have aspired for. Maybe not in time but eventually.

We forget that the absence of any one of them might create a situation which could have hampered and altered the course of our lives beyond imagination. We are not expected to win always. We should not. Or rather we cannot.

There are 2 ways of looking at our present state. What could have been if we were born in a better situation and likewise what could have been if we were born to the opposite? Just the harrowing prospect of the negatives of one compared to the opulence and comfort of the other will lead us to the conclusion that we are not that worse off in life.

So, when we think of our seeming failures or unsucessful attempts at many things in life which seem to be futile now, we curse our inability to make it happen. For we have in many cases seen people, who we think are undeserving, to have nearly got away with everything in life. The fallacy of the argument lies in the fact that we are no one to judge whether they are undeserving or deserving or whether what they have is what they wanted in life. Even if they did want and get them, it is only probabilistic that such aberrations will occur.

We should, ideally, judge by what makes us happy. More often, we judge ourselves by our peers. And even more, by the standards or parameters of success which our ever beloved society has ingrained in us. Owning a house, a car and a beautiful wife to name a few and in that order!A good life does not necessitate any of the above.

As typical humans we should try to find someone to shift the blame upon and crucify him. Once that is done and we have had our conscience satiated, we can safely go home thinking we have solved the problem, hardly realizing that we have only had a brush with the symptoms. Like all problems, the problem with aspirations, starts with the upbringing. Once you teach the child to work around the system and ask him to perform at every level, with minor considerations for what he wants, you have sown the seeds of near maniacal competitive spirit which stinks of a rat race.

The only thing we can and should teach our children would be the value of freedom and to be responsible for the consequences of the choices they make. For that, we first need to respect their choice. For that to happen, we first need to respect our own. For that, we have to have a liberal and fearless mind. And therein lies the problem. We are so sucked in, we are so self-congratulatory, we are so obsessed with being 'successful' that we are almost paranoid of failure. We do not provide for sufficient leeway for our children to fail for we know that in the final analysis it is going to hurt us more.


Tanima said...

What you've written is true.
You want get it...then you want something else as' a vicious cycle.
But this cycle holds the key to progress. If we weren't greedy we'd still be living in the caves!

Scribbler :) said...

This is your third consecutive post (and perhaps the nth one in your blog) on the problem of "identity-society-peers-competition-aspiration-success". I realise that this is a topic close to your heart (and rightfully so, because it is the mother of most problems in this generation).

But I come out of the "critic" mode to a "friend" mode...and wonder "Mon kharap?"

Mustaf said...

I could not link the subject line with the message of the post.Did i miss something?Where is ungrateful coming here?

The entire point you are trying to say depends on We should, ideally, judge by what makes us happy. Agreed but does any one actually know what make him happy or did any one know ever? I doubt. So everything evolves around that happiness which itself is not sure of its existence and so are the confussion,mess and what not

P said...

Didactic, a trifle melancholic, but I am wondering what brought this on? ...

spiderman! said...


Greed - Yudhisthir had a killer line about this. When asked "What has no cure", his reply was "Greed".


Na, mon kharap noy. Besh confused.


The entire point actually was that we ought to be grateful for what we get and try not to complain too much.


Didactic you say ? I thought it was utterly preachy. But thought that since I have already written it, so might as well post it. And like all other realizations of mine, this one too is a product of thinking. A bit too hard, maybe.

the snake said... seem to be very introspective in the last couple of posts..

Sorcerer said...

hmm..introspecting and retrospecting..
I always do that.then I get lost.

Wilson said...
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Wilson said...

I believe whenever we face problems and failures, it always makes us to be independent in our life. Only then we grow stronger in mind and soul. That's the real achievement.

Very well written..

spiderman! said...


Well, I AM always introspecting. Even when not required !


Precisely my problem.


Thank you.

SRK said...

The last para makes sense... everything before that, I don't know...

spiderman! said...


You dont know whether it makes sense or you dont know whether it is correct ?

Gaurav Kumar Ambasta said...

If Life is unfair then how come we are responsible for our choices...

And if we are then its only fair :)

spiderman! said...

Life is unfair because all of us do not have the same choices. And then out of the available choices, whichever you choose, you ought to be responsible for it ?

And by the way, whether life is fair or unfair really depends on your current state of mind.