Friday, January 01, 2010

An Interesting Year

What started as a year of melancholia finally turned out to be a very interesting one. One of my best friend got married. Consequently, it pulled the curtains on the one and half years we shared a flat. Since our disposition was eerily similar, both being of the laziest sort, we had an amazing time. Staying with friends is such fun.

Then came the months of serious introspection. One of despairing boredom, of steady
restlessnes, of getting sucked in to the finality of a job which allowed my brains to rust in its stupendous glory. In the midst of this, happened the trip to Lahaul, Spiti and Chandrataal. I am thankful that I made the decision to go on that trip within a span of 2 hours. It surely is the best place I have been to so far in my life.

August was a month which was unkind. I realized I spent three decades on this earth without
anything to show for it. And suffered the first bout of a mid-life crisis even before I reached it ! At the onset of September, things started getting brighter. Joined a job, where I met new people, new perspectives and the brain was put to use after a very long time. Felt, I belonged.

And then, surreptitiously, almost imperceptibly came an email, which as I realize now, was the

first corner my life was about to turn. Initially, as is the case with me, skepticism ruled the roost. Some phone calls later, I sometimes felt like asking myself the question which I have been asking for quite some time then - "was this it?" But then, experience in its wisdom, had taught me to brush aside such thoughts. You don't score till you have scored.

November and December were at the very least, interesting, which actually colours the entire
landscape of 2009 and tilts it to such an extent that the earlier memories fade into inconsequence.

It was in November that I met her.

We spent a day discussing dreams and life and feeling comfortable in our own space.
There was a flow, a certain sense of fluidity and then the question kept coming back. By the end of the week, I knew I was getting into serious trouble again.

I had vouched that I would never be in a position where I have committed myself to play the
stroke only to get caught at the last moment. But then, life has other plans. In spite of all my inclinations to hold back, I just could not. Just went with what I wanted to do. Being in different cities just added to the spice. Never before in a single month have I gone through such a plethora of emotions. One of upheaval, at times bitterness, moments of pure joy, moments of total disregard for the repercussions my actions were to cause and yes, of course, of hope. I said things, which I myself could not believe I could. I almost invariably found the right words to express exactly what I felt.

It was in December when winter felt like spring. Warm, sunny, bright and glorious.

I have no idea what lies in store in life. Whether ours will be like Richard and Francesca or Robert and Francesca. But for the first time, I truly feel alive. Wanting
the next day to come with all its anticipation, its unexpectedness, its possibilities. Wanting it to be not just another day where I mark off my attendance but a day where I smiled without a reason, where I heard another - without a reason and understanding fully what John Nash meant when he said "It is in the mysterious equations of love that you find all the reasons of logic"

Goodbye 2009 ! Welcome 2010 !


Unknown said...

Interesting. Prem e godo godo. Not bad.

the snake said...

reading this post puts a smile on my all I have to say.

spiderman! said...





SRK said...

OMG! Hirok Johar!!!

God save this world!

Sourav said...

Is this the Hirok I met couple of times ? Cant believe my ears & eyes :-D

spiderman! said...

SRK & Sourav:

I think I seriously need to re-read this. What is it that I have written which begets such reactions ?! :)

SRK said...

"What is it that I have written which begets such reactions ?!"

It won't help... in your state of mind, this probably reads 'understated'...

Juggler said...

Ah! All the looooooooooooove! Nice. I hope you are enjoying all the warm mushiness :-)

spiderman! said...


Warm mushiness! Well...warm yes, mushy - comments.

Btw, do I know you ?

Juggler said...

No, just know your blog from SRK's. I did comment on a posts of yours earlier I think- something about Moon and Sixpence...

Shalini said...
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Shalini said...

bask in the glory of errr sunshine?...happiness? well...all of it man..enjoy 2010 :)

spiderman! said...


Ah, I remember now.


I think the word happiness would have been enough to sum it up. Thanks ! :)