Friday, January 09, 2009


(This post is in response to questions posed by friends on one of my earlier posts)

Celebrate life. Not events. Events are mere milestones and if you ask any traveller, they would have hardly noticed them. To them not even the destination is important. What counts is only the journey. If you are living life to achieve targets, then you are losing out on the very essence of life - its spontaneity and its vibrancy.

Celebrate love. Not by counting the number of years you stayed together. But by that one glance, she gave you when you nearly lost it, by that one touch you gave her when she had nowhere to look. The greatest and the fondest moments of your life will always be personal and fifty other people can never be a part of it.

Celebrate friendship. Not by counting how many called on your birthday or how many made it to your marriage. But by giving what you have, by being a better person for them, by incorporating their best in yourself. By providing one lasting impression which will see you through.

Celebrate excellence. By being relentless. By never giving up. On yourself. On others. And most importantly, on your capability. You and ONLY you have the power to refine yourself. Being good is great, being better is even better, being excellent is the best.

Celebrate youth. Not by dancing yourself to glory on a disco floor. But by watching your children grow, by being hurt once again when love fails them, by allowing or rather encouraging them to make the same mistakes you have made.

Celebrate silence. Our gestures do not need words. When minds meet, words are consigned to the dustbins of frivolity. Proclaiming love a hundred times does not make it stronger. One gesture could be so powerful that those hundred would fade into oblivion.

The fact that you have stayed together for 30 years, brought up three kids who are millionaires counts for shit. What counts is that you hardly felt it was 30 and if you lost track of time, you would think it has just started.


Anonymous said...

I agree with some of these more than the others. One does not need to celebrate weddings by counting the numbers or feeling young by hitting the discs. There are others which are less black and white. The joy of seeing your loved one's face glow radiant when you give them a gift or the pride in parents when you can take them to a shop and just say take anything you want, this is not consumerism or gimmicky money show off- these moments are also unique in their own ways. These are people who deserve all the commemoration in the world, they deserve all the spending because in their lifetimes they have sacrificed a lot and if today I can do all the brouhaha for them, I consider myself lucky to be able to give back something to the people who have given me their everything.

SRK said...

Kinda agree with most points... which makes me doubt whether i am sober...
but the first one confuses me... not the basic thought behind the para, but the actual practice of it...

i reflected on the most memorable moments of my life... and they have all been 'events'... need not be events where I 'achieved' something... but events all the same!

me thinks, end of the day, in a long journey, u tend to remember a few moments... call them what u will

P said...

Beautiful...very touching and heartfelt...sometimes when you lose your cynicism and look at life all over again, it makes it even more of the most touching posts I've read ever...

the snake said...


spiderman! said...


I agree.


Yes. Life is about moments. Ironic, isn't it - we may have 10 such moments over a span of 70 years. And that does make it worth it, inspite of that statistical anomaly.


I have always maintained that I am a realist and NOT a cynic. And really, I look at life in the same way everyday. A horrible romantic and an incurable optimist.


Well... :)

SRK said...

i have had more than 10 already :)
OMG, does tht mean the remaining 45 years are gonna be dreary?

liveyourdreams said...


Fit to be mass circulated :)

R. Anand said...
